#1stdraftdiary and Nanowrimo


Elizabeth Rose Murray (Caramel Hearts and The Book of Learning) has described how she flies through her first draft at breakneck speed, you can read about it here. So a few writers who have heard about it are also trying to log their #1stdraftdiaries . Try twitter for more information.

So, since I also wanted to join in with Nanowrimo, (National novel writing month – write 50k words in 30 days), I thought this would be a fantastic opportunity to also keep a #1stdraftdiary.

Day 1 -2

Unfortunately, I am the queen of procrastination. Aren’t we all though whenever we set our minds to something, particularly when something is a little bit tricky with it.

The book I am trying to write, (I have changed my mind about three times before getting stuck in), was one which I wrote 10,000 words of a few years ago, to enter into a M&B competition. So I had a short but complete novella, but very much in a M&B style. And that seems to be the problem. I’m not really a M&B writer. It’s hard! So I have to rewrite bits of that, whilst keeping the same plot, plus extend and deepen it all.

It’s hardly surprising I kept putting it off. Part of me kept saying, just let it go, throw it out, but then the other part won’t let it go, the characters are there, I love the setting, and I still want it to see the light of day, probably self-publishing it myself sometime.

So, Day 1 – 2, I have plotted the book out. Twice. using very pretty pink post-its. Using two different methods and now, Day 3, I am ready to go again.

I should mention that the first method was by Better Novel Project, for planning your 30 day Nanowrimo novel, but it was better suited to action/adventure YA lit. There are still good points through it, so I haven’t totally thrown it out, but it isn’t a great fit for this piece.

Then I found an article by Laurie Sanders about a course she is running in conjunction with RWA, about plotting a romance novel and it is a great fit.

So last night I did finally start writing. Only about 1,300 words, and that now means I am nearly 2,000 words behind so I need to get BICHOK, as Kate Walker termed it! ‘Bum in chair, hands on keyboard’, for the uninitiated!

Here’s to Day 3!